
What is a consolidation

A consolidation is a collection of laws fully updated to a certain date. Consolidation documents are not gazettes, but are documents printed by an official body, e.g. the Attorney-General's Office or the Law Reform Commission, of a country.

Legislation index

The Legislation Index for a consolidation will look slightly different to a legislation index populated from gazettes. Consolidated documents do not have a publication name, number or date, so these will not be recorded. Consolidated Laws do however have Chapter (Cap) numbers, these will be recorded in the Legislation Index.

So, for consolidations, we capture:

  1. Title.

  2. Chapter (Cap) number.

  3. Act number (not always available; they can be omitted).

  4. Year.

  5. Date of commencement.

  6. Subject taxonomy (not always available; can be omitted).


The commencement dates of consolidated Acts are usually shown somewhere at the top of the Act. For each country we need to ascertain what exactly the different dates appearing at the top of the Act are, as they can differ from country to country.


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